Merion Golf Club, Bobbie Jones
Ardmore, PA
American Pharmaceutical Association
Washington, DC
Bergen Brunswick Corporation
Orange, California
The DC Commission on Arts and Humanities, Images of Washington
Washington, DC
Columbia Hospital for Women
Washington, DC
Council on Foreign Relations, Peter Tarnoff, President
New York, New York
Council for Advancement and Support of Education (C.A.S.E.)
Washington, DC
The Federal Judicial Center, Honorable
Rya Zobel, Director
Washington, DC
The Fogel Foundation
Washington, DC
Hill and Knowlton
Washington, D.C.
Huntington Museum
Huntington, West Virginia
Ivy Club, Princeton University
Princeton, New Jersey
Kent Manufacturing
Pickens, South Carolina
Kiplin Hall Foundation
Yorkshire, England
Miami City Ballet, Edward Villella, Director
Miami, Florida
Merion Golf Club
Haverford, Pennsylvania
National Drug Abuse Council
Washington, DC
National Gallery of Art
Washington, DC
U.S. Department of State, Art in Embassy Program
U.S. Ambassadorial Residence
Copenhagen, Denmark
U.S. Ambassadorial Residence
Suva, Fiji
U.S. League of Savings and Loan Associations
Washington, DC
U.S. Supreme Court, Associate Justice
Sandra Day O'Connor
Washington, DC
U.S. Supreme Court, Mr. Alexander Stevas, Clerk of the Court
Washington, DC
U.S. Supreme Court, Mr. Joseph F. Speniol, Clerk of the Court Washington, DC
U.S. Supreme Court, Mr. Mike Rodak, Clerk of the Court
Washington, DC
US Business Interiors
Largo, Maryland
The Washington Post
Washington, DC
West Virginia State Capitol, Governor
Gaston Caperton
Charleston, West Virginia
West Virginia Council of Art and Humanities
Charleston, West Virginia
Mr. and Mrs. James Adams
Asland, Oregon
Honorable Gaston Caperton
Charleston W.VA and New York City
Mr. and Mrs. John Murray
Chestertown, Maryland
Mr. and Mrs Michael Waitzkin
Floyd, Virginia
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Abramson
Washington, D.C.
Mr. and Mrs. James Adams
Cabin John, Maryland
Mr. and Mrs. Per-Olof Ambjornson
Mr. and Mrs. Bolen-Moller
Stockholm, Sweden
Mr. and Mrs. Dixon Butler
Washington, DC
Honorable Gaston Caperton
West Virginia
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Carr
Potomac Maryland
Mr. Lynn Coleman and Sylvia DeLeon
Washington, DC
M. and Mme. Jean-Jacques de Dardell,
Counsellor of the Embassy of Switzerland
Washington, DC
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Deland
Boston, Massachusetts
Mr. and Mrs Christopher De Muth
McLean, Virginia
Hon. Andreas Eckman and Anita Nasstrom Eckman,
Swedish Consul
Los Angeles, California
A. Fredrick Gerstell
Beverly Hills, California
Gretchen Long Glickman
New York, New York
Mr. and Mrs. Sverker Hogberg
Stockholm, Sweden
Dr. Hugh Hill and Dr. Sandy Read-Hill
Bethesda, Maryland
Honorable and Mrs. Eric Jannerfeldt
Stockholm, Sweden
James Johnson and Maxine Isaacs
Washington, DC
Frances and Sidney Lewis
Richmond, Virginia
Mr. Leslie Lipschitz and Ms. Susan Schadle
Washington, DC
Dr. and Mrs. Anders Martensson
Djursholm, Sweden
Mr. and Mrs. Alan B. Morrison
Washington, DC
Mr. and Mrs. John Murray
Manhattan, Kansas
Mr. John O'Connor and the Honorable Sandra Day O'Connor
Washington, DC
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Pegden
Pittsburg, Pennsylvania
Ellen Ranzman and Dan Katz
Bethesda, Maryland
Mr. and Mrs N. Lewis Rawlings
St. Davids, Pennsylvania
Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Robertson
Washington, DC
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Sagalyn
Washington, DC
Mr. and Mrs. Carleton Swift
Washington , DC
Mr. Ulf Sundberg
Stockholm, Sweden
Mr. and Mrs Michael Waitzkin
Potomac, Maryland
Mr. and Mrs Arthur Weisburg
Huntington, W. Va
Mr. and Mrs. Bjorn van Malmborg
Madrid and Halmstad, Sweden
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Zuercher
Bethesda, Maryland
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